Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Crazy dreams

I don't know about you guys, but lately I've been having all sorts of crazy dreams. I think its directly tied to the two things that have changed in my life.

1st dream

A few days ago I woke up from a serious nightmare. I was at a cabin of sorts with my parents and Hodge. Hodge and I weren't talking at the time (indicative of our none existent relationship now) so things were pretty awkward. All of the sudden my ex-(let's call him Small Town for the sake of not publishing his name) Small Town came into the picture. He started following me around and telling me how much he loved me. Then all of the sudden he gave me a ring (a really hideous one) and asked me to marry him. In my dream I was thinking about this guy that i've been hanging around with alot lately Collegee and was thinking about how I would tell Collegee that it was over now because I was getting back with Small Town.

So that was that f-ed up dream. I woke up sweating and freaking out around 3am because of a stupid dream wtf.

Dream #2
I had this dream today and I think I remember all of it. I think its related to my decision to stay in Korea for another 6months till August of next year.

So in my dream I was at school(highschool) with a bunch of my friends. My father was for some reason an English teacher, though that is really funny if you think about it now and if you know my father. He was giving us a lecture on some reading that we had just listened to. For some reason in the dream I couldn't keep my eyes open during the lecture. You know that feeling where your eyelids are so heavy you could fall asleep sitting up? My father was trying to get us to think of synonyms for the words on the paper, most were simple words like home but some were more difficult. At the same time that I was writing my words (trying to anyway) on the paper it was raining. My paper started to resemble a rock with mud scrapings on it and was totally illegible. Nice, now I get in trouble right? Anyway, so he was correcting the words with the students and it went like this.

Teacher: Home
Student A: House
Student B: humble aboad
Student c: nest
Student d: asylum
Student E: apartment
Student F: cow father just looked at the student with this "WTF" kinda look and shook his head.

Teacher: You have no idea what we are doing right now do you?

Student: (just looks up at the teacher with this totally blank face)

Then later during the dream I was what seemed to be older (maybe a counsellor or something at a camp) and I was helping my father get all the students into the cafeteria. I walked through super dirty and disgusting bathrooms to find the students. Found them and was on my way back to go eat when I bumped into my dad. I showed him what had happened to my classwork (remember the stone and mud) and he just shrugged and said okay.

That's about the time I woke up. Talk about a screwed up dream right? HAHAHA I loved the stupid student part anyway. If any of you have any idea what my dreams really mean I give you the go ahead to translate. Good luck and enjoy :)


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