Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A really messed up and crazy dream---- some swear words.

Okay so... today I had a nap right after I got home from work....yah I finish at 10 and start at 7am so I was a little tired. Anyway that is besides the point. The dream that I had was horrible.

The dream started off with a dream about a group of children traveling in a bus and the bus exploding on a major highway. I was really disturbed by this dream I remember. All day I had this super uneasy feeling. Anyway. Then I was walking down a road and my friend pulls over. She's got her kid and her older "butch-looking" friend in the front seat with her. I don't know why but I decided to get into the driver's seat with my friend. It was a really tight squeeze but she kept driving. My friend's driving skills were limited at best and I knew she often drove erratically. I decided that I didn't want to sit where I was and some how while she was driving I managed to move into the middle seat with the little boy on my lap. Apparently I really knew this little boy and loved this little boy like he was my own and the mom could really care less. My friend continued with some really crazy driving and asked me for a nail cleaner. In the car and while driving, she proceeded to clean underneath her nails.

She was starting to drive really horribly. At certain points I had to grab the wheel and pull the car back into place. Myself and the other woman were very very scared. I kept remembering the dream I had about the bus of children that went barreling out of control and killed thousands of people in the accident. My friend was pissed off about something. At one point we knocked over a couple of those pylons and some warning signs. Then she drifted too far and went into a lane that takes you to another road (sorry my English is horrible...just woke up)....yes off ramp. All the while this is happening my friend is driving really really really fast. I decide to put my seatbelt on around myself and the child. The woman sitting beside me grabs the "Oh Shit" handles and I grab her arm. The driver is more pissed off today than she'd every been. All of the sudden, we see the father of the child on my lap sitting on the side of the road. The little boy screams "daddy!!" and the woman screams, "that f-ing ass**** I'm going to get him." Both myself and the woman look at each other.

Then some weird things start happening in the dream. It's almost like I was trying to create a sense of normalcy in the rest of the world while this HORRIBLE thing was happening to me and the other people in the car. There was kind of a parade to celebrate women. There were women on the sides of the street rushing out to passing cars and stopping them to give them a kiss. As we were passing I saw these two women basically making out! Strange. Anyway...The slow down in traffic made my friend even more pissed off and she began darting in and out of traffic. Finally we get to an intersection where my friend does a u-turn (screeching of course) and yells "I'll show that bastard!" At this point I realize that we are on the same highway of the bus in the accident in my dream. I start freaking out and telling my friend to pull over. But she's not listening because she's pissed off about her ex- and also the people that keep running onto the road half naked.

All of the sudden a radio announcement comes on "We've just received news that there is a bus full of children that is barreling down Highway(something) on fire. If you are on this highway, get off immediately!" I screamed at my friend and then the lady sitting with us looked back and said "HERE IT COMES!" At this point, the bus hit a bunch of parked cars and fire and all drove over us and blew up infront of us. At the same time this was happening, the lady put her arm over my chest to protect me. I was holding onto the little boy as tight as I could as my friend slammed on her breaks. The force of the blast caused the front window to shatter in towards us. My friends car slowed down to a halt and she dizzily got out of the car. The other woman also got out of the car. We were all in a daze and the little boy was crying. I held him to my chest and I remember how small and frail his body felt. His mother yelled at him to stop crying and he did (I think because he was scared of his mother). I turned his face towards me and he looked bad. He had gashes all over his body and there was blood everywhere but he looked not too bad. The woman was trying to get passer-bys to stop but most of them just honked thinking we were part of the entertainment of women. (I don't think they had noticed the burning bus of children up ahead yet either). Finally this super weird make-shift ambulance rolled by. My friend and the woman were no where to be found so I crouched into the ambulance as it was doing a rolling stop. I heard "where's Annie? Where's my son?" I looked behind and I saw the women I had been with previously and told them I was also in the ambulance.

Once we arrived at the "hospital", though I don't know if you could call it that, the nurse asked me if I was okay. I said I was fine but the little boy was bad. He was bleeding from his eye. The woman told me to lay him down on what looked like a loading trolley, you know those ones that warehouses use but plastic and smaller. The little boy fit diagonally. I remember thinking to myself, what the hell is this place? I think the mother was with the butch woman at this point and I was looking after the little boy. I wouldn't let him out of my site. Once we got to the room I looked around. There was a sink, an ashtray attached to the base of the sink and a little table with some medical supplies on it at the end of the cublicle of a room. The woman said the doctor would be right with me. I kept thinking to myself that this is a strange emergency room but i was so freaked out that I didn't care.

I held the little boy in my arms. I was walking around the room with him and I asked him if he had to pee. He said he was peeing right now and I noticed that there was pee running down his pants and his pants were soaking wet. I opened the bathroom door (whihc ofcourse had magically appeared) but there was pee everywhere, on the floor and everything and I didn't want to go in there. I pulled the little boys pants down and he finished peeing in the sink. Then he had to poo and that is what I'm not going to describe in writing cause it was just strange. After the boy went pee, his boy started to go limp. I was crying really loud and holding his head to my chest telling him he's not allowed to go to sleep. It was not bedtime yet. The little boy kept saying he was so tired. I told him that I loved him and he wasn't allowed to go away. After a few minutes the doctor walked into the ghetto room (the door had been open the whole time and I had always had a good view of the mother and the other woman). At the point that my friend came running up screaming that the doctor wasn' allowed to tak her baby away. I told her to stop said some bad words and then told her to let the doctor do her job. (in the entire dream the only man was the father who was sitting on the side of the road) While the doctor was working on the little boy, I found myself lifting up my shirt and looking at my chest in the mirror. My whole body, chest, arms and face were covered in cuts and bruises. At some point while I was looking at my chest I remember thinking that at some point I had gotten a huge tattoo across my chest and down to my stomach. The image that appeared on the mirror of myself was two doves with a ribbon in each's mouth. I don't remember the other stuff. I shook my head and thought that I must've been imagining that. When I looked back at the mirror I could see the real damage for what it was. I had a huge mark across my chest where the other woman's arm had held me back during the stop (weird that one woman could be that strong but apparently she was). My arms had these huge sickly bruises, I had cuts all over my face and I had blood all over me. The little boy was being really quiet but I could see that he was awake and the doctor was cleaning him up. I went to talk to my friend and the woman. I told them that the doctor said the little boy would be okay and that it was a miracle that he wasn't hurt more severely.

I think at this point in my dream I skipped a few scenes because the next moment i was entering a hospital room with beds. As I was walking by a grandmother had fallen asleep with a baby in her arms. All of the sudden the little baby rolled out of her arms and at the same time that this happened, I caught it before it hit the floor. It made a huge slap when the babies warm skin contacted with my hands and the husband, the mom and the grandmother all woke up. They had been sleeping while the grandmother was looking after the baby. Then they looked at me like i was trying to steal their baby. I explained the situation and they thanked me.

The next bed was the little boys bed. He had a bandage on his head and was still covered in bruises but all the blood was gone. I skipped a few scenes again and then I remember taking the little boy out of the hospital. I was crying so hard because of the tramatic time that we had all had (that day??? I'm not exactly sure of the time line because at this point, the boy was almost back to normal except for the cuts and bruises). I was dressed in something different too so I can assume that it was a few days later. At this point I fell to the floor with him and I was crying again. But it was an unusual crying and I remember trying to correct the sound of my cry but I couldn't. I actually think that I was really crying outloud in my sleep and that was the sound I was hearing in my dream. Strange huh? Anyway, at this point the focus is on my friend and the woman who are all smiles. They have a camera and take a picture. They show the picture to me and I smile and embrace the little boy again and tell him that I love him. He hugs me. At this point, the camera goes away from me and towards my friend and the woman that are going through pictures. It shows the little boy and I when he's a teenager, and then when he's a grown man and then when he has his own little girl. Then when his little girl has a little girl and so on and so on. Ofcourse I was only in the first three pictures, I wasn't some kind of creepy alien or anything. Anyway, then the camera pulls back and reveals and audience. The audience is all crying and saying what a beautiful movie it was. I still had the little boy in my arms in the theater and I hugged him tighter, glad that he had never died and that nothing crazy had ever happened to us.

What a crazy dream huh? Really that was everything, I didn't make any of it up. The dream was so messed up that I shake my head now. How could I not have known that it was a dream? And I swear that mother must have been a druggy or something because she really didn't care about the child. It was almost like it was my child but not ofcourse but I treated the little boy like he was my own son. It's crazy. It was definitly a crazy dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)